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July 21, 2009


They say learn something new everyday.

Thanks for the very informative tutorial. I can't call to order a pizza...how on earth could I possibly do this?? Anyway, all my swimsuits are skirted. I'm glad this was a good experience for you though!

Haha, great tips! It'snice to have a good dermatologist, right? They'll give you a lot of useful tips like these. I even tried waxing at home because of my derma's advice. It turned out to be a bad decision, haha.

I've heard a lot of first-time hair wax stories, and some of them were dreadful. Hehe. Yours didn't sound too bad at all. I'm sure the next session would be pain-free, and you'll feel a lot more comfortable. Well, everyone has a different experience. You're lucky yours turned out pretty fine. =)

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